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The purpose of this research was to create a financial evaluation model that allows evaluating the viability of launching new services or projects that maximize resources and generate a tangible benefit for the target client. In addition, to provide indicators that allow the quantitative and qualitative measurement of the proposed new services, all of the above in alignment with institutional strategic planning. The analysis of costs and benefits as well as the calculation of financial indicators such as net present value, internal rate of return, payback period and return on investment, constituted the instrument by which it was proposed to carry out said financial evaluation. Through an analytical research process, using interviews with key personnel of the organization, relevant information was obtained to address each of the objectives set, generating conclusions and recommendations for the organization. The research allowed to conclude that the organization does have formal criteria to measure the degree of alignment of new services or projects with strategic planning, which represents a significant effort in maximizing resources, generating value and strategies for mitigating strategic risk. However, it is necessary to improve the process for the economic quantification of costs and benefits that allow determining the financial viability of a project, in addition to incorporating a larger battery of indicators to evaluate the projects, considering measuring the effectiveness, performance, quality, time and budget monitoring in each of the proposed projects.
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