Alternative economic models to promote sustainable development

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Jorge Campos Montero
Oscar Abellán


According to the “World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD)”, the circular economy is a $4.5 trillion opportunity. It presents enormous potential both for global economic growth and for accelerating changes in our society that will allow us a sustainable future. Likewise, it indicates that the concept of “circular economy” is far from being widely understood by companies. The main challenge to take advantage of the opportunity that this offers us depends largely on the ability of our business leaders to adopt a “circular mindset”.

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How to Cite
Alternative economic models to promote sustainable development. (2024). Revista Académica SIC, 1(1), 1-13.
Artículo académico
Author Biographies

Jorge Campos Montero

Director Centro de Investigación en Sostenibilidad, Universidad FUNDEPOS de Costa Rica.

Oscar Abellán

Director Centro de Investigación en Economías Transformadoras, Universidad FUNDEPOS de Costa Rica.

How to Cite

Alternative economic models to promote sustainable development. (2024). Revista Académica SIC, 1(1), 1-13.