Well-being and its impact on the capacity to create new ideas and manage innovation

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Lucía Chaverrí


Around 1683, Europeans begin to replace alcohol at breakfast with a newly arrived African drink: coffee. What few would imagine was the impact that the change in this habit would have on the generation of ideas and inventions. And it is that the action of conversing over a cup of coffee denoted the emergence of spaces to share, discuss, connect and socialize ideas. Our obsession with generating new ideas transcends time.

Article Details

How to Cite
Well-being and its impact on the capacity to create new ideas and manage innovation. (2024). Revista Académica SIC, 1(1), 1-13. https://revsicfundepos.org/index.php/revistasic/article/view/4
Artículo de perspectiva
Author Biography

Lucía Chaverrí, Universidad FUNDEPOS

Directora del Centro de Investigación en Innovación, Universidad FUNDEPOS de Costa Rica.

How to Cite

Well-being and its impact on the capacity to create new ideas and manage innovation. (2024). Revista Académica SIC, 1(1), 1-13. https://revsicfundepos.org/index.php/revistasic/article/view/4